… About Everything Healthy

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Top Ten Gym Pet Peeves

I’ve worked in the fitness industry for over 18 years, and playing gym junkie for just as long if not longer than that. In all my years of teaching, training, coaching and partaking I’ve collected some keen observations and pretty strong opinions- SURPRISE on the opinion part 🙂

I value all of my training, certifications, college education and knowledge I’ve gathered through the years and believe it makes me the opinionated, passionate, creative and honest fitness professional that you’ve grown to love (or hate). Needless to say, I will share my thoughts at the drop of a hat, be blunt when I need to, but always have my heart and soul behind the message.

My message today is inspired by my fellow gym goers and people I’ve interacted with over the years as a fit pro. Hang on for a large dose of sarcasm, brutal honesty and of course this trainer’s educated opinion- it’s RIGHT by the way 🙂

My Top Ten Gym Pet Peeves:

1. People who wear sunglasses while they workout inside– I tweeted about this a few days back,  but it deserves another mention. Nobody is that cool!! Famous or not, you look like a freaking idiot and it is rude and disrespectful. Unless your blind or coming from the eye doctor spare us your ego!

2. Not wiping down your sweat off of equipment– I think this speaks for itself. Nobody wants to sit on a piece of equipment covered in another person’s bodily fluids. Unfortunately, there are still people who think it’s cool to leave their mark and not wipe it up. Don’t be gross- wipe it off!

3. Machine hoggers- if somebody is waiting to use the machine you’re on, then please be respectful and let them work in instead of doing all 5 of your sets while they wait. Didn’t your mother teach you any manners and how to share?  Be considerate and use proper gym etiquitte..get your butt up and let them do a set.

4. Ridiculous diet talk- This is really what turns my stomach. Listen to me- CARBS are not the enemy, your serving sizes and lack of nutritional info are. We need a balanced eating plan that is nutrient dense, and supports each of our individual needs and activity levels. Everything outside of this is CRAP, garbage and useless jargon meant to push individuals into buying their products, services, pills and potions. It’s a temporary solution to a much bigger issue- lack of control. Get with the program and find out what your individual nutritional needs are by visiting our website, diet grader, to get your perfect eating plan.

5. 8 minute ab fanatics- I see them laying on the mats doing hundreds of crunches in different directions, longing for the infamous six-pack and I just laugh.  This is not a method advised by any certified and educated professional. Muscle conditioning for a specific body part will develop muscle, not dissolve fat from that area. You need a well-rounded fitness program that encompasses proper conditioning protocols to help with that.  Besides that 100’s of crunches don’t develop a well conditioned spine or core. The spine needs to extend backwards, rotate side to side, bend laterally and brace correctly to keep the torso in tip-top shape. Trust me, some of the exercises my clients do create more awareness of their six-pack muscles than any crunch has. Get off the mat and come see me!

6. Telling me how to do my job- Seriously, if I could smack somebody upside the head and get away with it this would be the time I’d do it. When I’m working with a client, teaching, coaching, training or just discussing something with a member and an individual chimes in with their personal advice or invalidates my comments with their non-professional education it’s full on war!!! Mind your own damn business!  The person I’m working with has individual goals, abilities and motivation factors that I am privy to because I’ve assessed them, know what they are able to do and have developed their own unique program. So get out of my face or risk getting a nice dose of my unfiltered commentary 🙂

7. The shadow mongers- This is just creepy! Everywhere you go they are right behind you or watching you. They mimic your moves, follow your steps and try to listen in on your conversations to hear what you’re saying to people. They never say a word to you, they just follow like an unwelcome shadow. I’m not sure if it’s just trying to get free advice from the trainer or they are stalking. In either situation it’s weird. Speak up and say something will ya?

8. The free advice fans- I appreciate people asking me questions and getting more info on exercises, or better details on some of the things I’ve discussed, but it becomes a bit rude when you try to sit me down for an hour and gather up the free advice others pay money for. I offer free advice all the time in my blogs, handouts, classes and training sessions. If you’re looking for intimate details for you personally, then book an appointment with me. My time is valuable, so please respect that.

9. People who talk to you when your I-Pod’s on- I love my workout time, and love my music even more and really don’t get people who come up to you when your obviously “working out” and start talking to you. If I’m sweating, breathing heavy, pushing weights, or just plain wearing my I-Pod that means I’m working out and don’t want to talk. Wave hello, smile and make eye contact, but let me do my thing. Like I say to my kids- unless it’s an emergency don’t bother me. If I want to work out with you and talk, I will let you know and won’t wear my I-Pod. Nobody should interrupt the perfectly timed sprint on the treadmill to Metallica’s Judas Kiss. Let me get my sweat on.

10. Creatures of Habit 18 years in the same place, same exercises, same weight, same routine from start to finish. How can you do that? I’m happy they are there doing their thing, as it’s better than nothing, but it kills me to see the lack of progression and enthusiasm during their workouts. Many of them have developed poor posture from only working certain muscle groups (Hello, my 8 minute ab friends), lack of joint mobility and decreased performance. I understand it’s the social thing, but put some punch back into your routine will ya? Give me a call let me see what I can hook up for you. After all, I like to be entertained by member activities, too.

So there you have it, my Top Ten Gym Pet Peeves. Do you do any of them? Make an effort to show a little consideration and wipe it off, leave the shades in the car, stop stalking, interrupting and put a little more gusto into those 18-year-old workouts.

I love, respect and admire everyone who’s ever given me a thought to write about. Thank you!

Enjoying life- Amy

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January 18, 2010 - Posted by | fitness professional, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , ,


  1. Love this! I think I’ve experienced them all at one point or another- especially people trying to talk to me as I’m in the middle of a run with headphones on. Seriously? Do you expect me to stop and hold a conversation with you at this VERY moment?

    Comment by Amy | January 18, 2010 | Reply

  2. Hahah! I must agree with all these pet peeves and the one in the comment above me! Wearing sun-glasses inside in general is just so not necessary!

    Comment by Pet Peeves | January 23, 2010 | Reply

  3. Intersting post. When I began working out in the gym during my 6 months I wore light-to-medium-tinted safety sunglasses so people wouldn’t be curiously staring at my eyes and/or back at them.

    It’s an intimidation confidence factor not ego. I learned this from poker players. From childhood I was teased and bullied incessively all the way through grade school.
    Maybe not for your case, but gym intimidation becomes very easy when you are the last person picked for the team regardless of my athletic performance (and I excelled at many sports).

    If you can’t see where my eyes are focusing then you’ll just regard me as having no “focus” and they will carry on doing what their doing and I won’t feel the less bit bothered since they won’t be looking directly at my eyes…where 90% of people make first contact with strange people when they look at them.

    Now I’m entirely focused at the gym and have no need for sunglasses. It was advice to me and worked great among much larger men that were much more fit than myself at the weights. I could concentrate much more efficiently on my workouts without the intimidation discouraging me to seeing my own results.

    I’m just saying…some may be ego-driven and that would likely be someone’s first impression…and this could be different where you live and or work, but I am aware of other conditions excusably at play.

    Conversely why would you become so bothered with anyone else’s life, dress, behaviours or appearance? It really shouldn’t affect your own attitudes unless you were working out with them as a workout partner maybe but really — who cares unless it endangers my health or well-being? I just wipe off the equipment before and after I use it simply out of courtesy to myself and the next guy.

    Comment by Alan | March 22, 2010 | Reply

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